Have a look at this introductory video focused on the low price shared hosting packs, which allow you to publish your own private or enterprise web sites on the world wide web quickly. All of the presented packs are loaded with many capabilities, including a free–of–charge Free Of Charge Website Builder and a free of cost Web Application Installer, which will help you make a blog, a message board, a photograph gallery, and many more within a few minutes. Furthermore, it’s possible to register domains for your sites and then to take care of everything from inside a user–friendly multiple–language Web Control Panel.

At Host-Crunch Web Hosting, it is also possible to reap the benefits of a trouble–free shared hosting service. We’ve created our platform making use of high quality hardware and we have also dedicated time and energy towards designing our software, to warrant a 99.9% uptime.

With the help of the staff at our US datacenter, UK datacenter, datacenter FI, East Europe datacenter and AU datacenter, we’ve designed a really trustworthy inside network, depending on carrier–class switches and routers. So we can assure a 99.9% network uptime with all our website hosting bundles.